It seems that so far in "Hollow City (The second Novel to the series of Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children) one of the main conflicts is Miss Peregrine being stuck in her falcon form. This conflict started in the ending of the first book after Miss Peregrine was saved from the hollowgast but seemed to have hit her head on one of the steel beams on the boat structure. This is a major conflict since Miss Peregrine was the only protector an adult that the children and Jacob could go to for safety and information about the loop holes that contained other safe areas for the peculiar. This problem majorly effects all the children that lived in the orphanage because now without a leader/guardian figure they have no idea weather to try to find a new loop hole or risk it and stay in the one they currently live. If they were to leave where would they go? Without a map of loop holes that are safe and ones that have been invaded by the enemy everything is risky. It's unclear to tell how exactly Miss Peregrine feels about everything but as seen on page 32 after reaching an unnameable island Jacob mentions how "Miss Peregrine still hadn't transformed back but she had her falcon head turned towards the direction of the island and her guilty eyes seemed to speak, I'm sorry i failed you". This means that even though it wasn't her fault she was thrown off the ship and hit her head she still feels as if it was and that it was her fault that the place she promised to be a peculiar "safe zone" was no longer that. This conflict seems like it's a bit of both internal and external because it seems like the hit to Miss Peregrines head caused some kind of reaction in her head as well as all the events that took place on the night of her kidnapping made her feel ashamed for not being able to protect the children. The external part of the conflict is her not being able to regain her physical body form as stated on page 45 "Maybe Miss P. just needs some privacy? chirped Olive. No she needs a doctor or another Yymbrne to take a look at her. spat Emma". As I am still reading the book the children have not found any source of help for Miss Peregrine to solve this conflict.
The main characters in "Hollow City (The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children)" are as the title states peculiar. To start off we have the main protagonist in the story Jacob Portman. Jacob is able to see and sense "hollowgast" which are creatures who seek to kill Jacob and his friends but it's hard to tell if something wants to kill you when you can't see the creature or sense them. This is what makes Jacob special and peculiar, he's the only character (besides his grandfather Abraham Portman who died in the first book) to be able to sense hollowgast. Jacob is the lead protagonist and he's now in charge of protecting all the children in the orphanage from those who seek to harm them. Jacob is obviously really worried he won't be able to fulfill his new role because as seen on page 20 of the first chapter Emma (another main character) snaps him out of daydreaming of what's to come when she points out to him and states "You're sweating buckets. Let me have a go at the oars before your worries melt you away". Speaking of Emma, Emma Bloom is the leading female protagonist who is Jacob's companion and love interest. Emma has the power of pyrokinesis and was left at a circus by her parents at a young age, saddening but it made her become who she is today which is a persistent and very independent girl. Emma and Jacob are both dynamic characters who either started smooth then rough or started rough then smooth either way neither one of them have had the most pleasant life experiences. At the beginning of the story Jacob was sane and had a rather swell life until his grandfathers rather traumatic death which lead him to be drugged up on antidepressants and sleeping pills for the next couple of months. Everyone thought he was crazy due to the fact he kept describing his grandfathers murder as stated on page 15 "The murder wasn't human he had bright white eyes and an enlarged mouth with tentacles and sharp teeth! You have to believe me." but it turned out he was completely sane and what he saw was the truth. Emma on the other hand was happy for quite some time until Abe (Jacob's grandfather) left for the military and never returned or even wrote to her that he now was married and had a family. Abe leaving led to Emma mistrusting everyone and when Jacob arrived at the orphanage she hated him because all she could see was Jacob's grandfather. With both Emma and Jacob's characteristics and personalities changing at a fast rate they managed to get use to each other and eventually accept each other's company. Both Jacob and Emma are the lead protagonists who by the others are looked as the leaders as if now in the story and I'm excited to see how this duo will deal with the conflicts thrown at them as well as to see how their dynamic personalities will change.
December 2016
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